
I'm Keivin Martínez,

welcome to my portfolio

    Depending on the size of the project, the level of detail required, and/or the client's specifications, some steps may be added or omitted.
    This is a summarized version of my work process; additional steps or details may be omitted to keep it concise.


  1. 1.

    For my development process, I start by gathering and defining all project specifications. For larger or personal projects, or if requested by a client, I define detailed documentation for the requirements. For smaller client projects, I simply inform them of the project scope.

  2. 2.

    After defining the project scope, I choose the most suitable technologies. For most small projects, I avoid overcomplicating technology choices. If a project requires unfamiliar technology, I take the time to learn the basics to effectively work with it. Typically, I use React for the front-end and PHP Laravel for the back-end as a base stack for web development.

  3. Design:

  4. 3.

    Finally, once everything else is defined, I begin the design process with a low-fidelity mockup. I create these prototypes on paper or using Excalidraw for a quicker, more efficient design. I move on to the next step after the client approves this initial design, if it is a client project.

    Main example of a low-fidelity prototype made in Excalidraw. Full Low-fidelity prototype of this portfolioExample 1 low-fidelity prototype. Landing page of this portfolioExample 2 low-fidelity prototype. Landing page of this portfolio mobile screen versionExample 3 low-fidelity prototype. My work process page of this portfolioExample 4 low-fidelity prototype. My work process page of this portfolio mobile screen version
  5. 4.

    Once I have a rough idea of the project's look and receive client approval (if applicable), I use Figma to create a wireframe prototype. For smaller projects or those with minimal design requirements, I may skip this step to save time.

    Example of a Wireframe prototype made in Figma
  6. 5.

    In Figma, I create the final High-Fidelity mockup, which is usually the definitive design. The level of detail varies based on time, project size, and user requirements. For larger projects or team-based work, I thoroughly define aspects like atomic design, animations, transitions, flows, variants, fonts, colors, and other things. For smaller or quicker projects, such as a static page, I focus on key elements to outline the overall design.

    Example - High fidelity mockup of a personal project - In processExample - Final Mockup of an personal project application - In processExample - High fidelity mockup of FindIt - Mobile AppExample - High fidelity mockup of FindIt with prototyping - Mobile AppExample of Atomic design - AtomsExample of Atomic design - MoleculesExample of Atomic design - OrganismsExample of Atomic design - TemplatesExample - Final mockup of this portfolio
  7. Although I'm not a graphic designer or a UX/UI expert, I follow basic UX and UI principles to create a well-designed product.


  8. 6.

    Once the design is defined and approved, I begin (or in parallel) coding using the chosen technologies, languages, and frameworks. During this phase, I provide regular updates of the project to the client (if applicable).

  9. Deployment and Maintenance:

  10. 7.

    Finally, after the project is completed, I deliver it to the client and/or deploy it myself. If there is a client, I typically ask whether they would like me to handle the deployment or if they prefer to manage it themselves.

  11. 8.

    After delivering the product, I usually offer a limited period of maintenance. For more complex projects, I provide the client with a manual on how to use the product's functions and let them know they can contact me if any issues arise.